Home Opinion Breaking News: ‘Terrorists’ Take Hostages in California University Overnight – Here Are...

Breaking News: ‘Terrorists’ Take Hostages in California University Overnight – Here Are the Details (Videos)

After protesters took over the Student Services Building at the Cal State Los Angeles campus footage emerged of them looting the building, removing furniture and equipment. Like they are getting ready for something!

There is also extensive damage and graffiti inside the building.

The University has asked the police to respond to the incident but things got even more serious!

The president of Cal State got trapped inside the student services building along with a number of other staff members after Pro-Palestine actors stormed the building this evening.

Police are regarding the incident as a hostage situation as many raise concerns about the possibility of it being an act of terrorism.

Video below:

They obviously hate ‘Genocide Joe Biden’
But not as much as this mysterious ‘Joe Byron’

Some net citizens claim that some Cal State LA Palestine protesters left after midnight, after trashing Student Services building to Free Palestine:

Typical. More proof that some people can’t handle losing an argument without taking it out on innocent stuff. Guess that’s what happens when you prioritize chaos over actual change.

They are literally making the case that all foreign invaders need to go back to where they came from…

Keep going! I know they are only going to get more violent… soon, they will cross a line to where their Media buddies won’t be able to save them…
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