Home Culture BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren REFUSES to Condemn Antifa, Denies They Were Even There!...

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren REFUSES to Condemn Antifa, Denies They Were Even There! (Audio)

Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren refuses to condemn Antifa for throwing urine bombs at cops and inciting violent riots.

When Warren was asked about Antifa by a WBSM reporter, she basically dodged the question without specifically condemning Antifa.

As a matter of fact, she refused to acknowledge that Antifa was there and claimed “only Nazis and KKK were there.”

Democrat politicians and the fake news media is actually trying to paint Antifa like the “good guys,” who are just out there “fighting Nazis.”

Any American with common sense knows Antifa is the terrorist arm of liberals and the Democratic Party now, which is why they are being coddled by leftists like Warren.

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