Home Culture Factual Anti-Illegal Immigration Ads Violate Twitter’s ‘Hate Speech’ Rules

Factual Anti-Illegal Immigration Ads Violate Twitter’s ‘Hate Speech’ Rules

Twitter has decided that tweets which point out facts about illegal immigrants being a financial drain on taxpayers is “hate speech.”

Now twitter is saying that illegal immigrants are a protected group and any advocacy against them won’t be allowed.

Apparently hard working, honest taxpayers are of no concern to Twitter and foreigners have every right to enter the country illegally and steal from us. I guess we are not “protected” and are on our own.


This policy came to light when The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Washington, D.C.-based immigration research group, submitted three tweets for paid promotion which pointed out the large cost to the American taxpayer for each foreigner which illegal resides in our country.

This sort of cherry picking by social media companies, web hosting and internet providers has recently spurred support for regulating them like a utility since they are channels of communication no different than a telephone.

The Daily Caller reports:

Twitter has rejected a conservative organization’s request to promote tweets highlighting the harmful effects of illegal immigration, apparently because using the word “illegal” to refer to immigrants violates the company’s hate speech rules.

Organizations can pay Twitter to re-up previously posted tweets in the form of promoted content. The promoted tweets function as ads, allowing businesses or advocacy groups to push their content out to a wider group of Twitter users.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Washington, D.C.-based immigration research group, recently submitted three tweets for promotion:

Much to the group’s surprise, all three tweets were rejected on the grounds of “hate,” says executive director Mark Krikorian.

According to Twitter’s ad policy, promoted content cannot include “hate speech or advocacy” against anyone belonging to number of protected categories, including refugees and immigrants. The CIS tweets, which pointed out the fiscal drain of illegal immigration in the U.S., were apparently too hateful to be re-posted as promoted ads.


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