Home Opinion Here’s Why NBC News Deleted The Damming Report On The Paul Pelosi...

Here’s Why NBC News Deleted The Damming Report On The Paul Pelosi Attack

As we reported yesterday Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was released from the hospital Thursday, six days after a maniac broke into his home and struck him in the head with a hammer.

Paul Pelosi, 82, spent nearly a week recovering at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Intensive Care Unit before his release.

Earlier in the day, the speaker had visited the hospital but only stayed for 20 minutes. She then returned home with her security entourage followed by a white people carrier which was carrying her husband, an eyewitness confirmed.


David DePape, 42, was busted after he allegedly broke into the San Francisco home to look for the Democratic Speaker. He then allegedly attacked her husband, who suffered a skull fracture and immediately underwent surgery.

What’s even more bizarre is the fact it’s Paul Pelosi’s own actions that have everyone scratching their heads.

Even NBC’s The Today Show.

Video below:
(they removed the video)

Another copy:

Here’s another copy from Disclose TV telegram channel:

“Why Pelosi didn’t try to flee, or tell responding officers he was in distress, is unclear.”

Note this is from NBC News’ The Today Show, not OAN or Newsmax or whatever.

That’s inexplicable.

They are saying Pelosi opened the door and then went basically back to the guy he was allegedly afraid of

Also hard to square with this portion of the federal affidavit (pic)

Photo below:

This was the part of the reports that raised a real flag for me. Opened the door for the police and then went back to the guy with a hammer.

They decided to remove the video and the report but it was too late!

After trying to memory-hole the report, NBC applied a strange note to the now-unplayable video’s page: “The piece should not have aired because it did not meet NBC News reporting standards.”

If you don’t want conspiracy theories about the Paul Pelosi attack then explain why the Today Show did this package with all sorts of crazy new details.

Then deleted it.

Notice, nowhere does NBC say that their report was false or inaccurate. Just that it didn’t meet their “reporting standards”. Sounds like another media cover-up to me. They don’t want to truth about Paul Pelosi to come out. Pelosi, an 82-year-old was released from the hospital yesterday after being bashed in the head with a hammer. Pretty damn good for someone who is 82 years old.

But hey we all remember this:

USA Supreme reported that the dispatch official then said that Pelosi informed 911 that he did not know who the attacker was but gave his name and then explained that “he is a friend.”
Police audio of SFPD’s ‘welfare check’ call about Paul Pelosi says that he called “David” a “friend” who seemed “confused.”

Context: This was a Berkeley nudist in his underwear struggling with another man in his underwear over a hammer at 2:30 am in San Francisco
Audio below:

They were almost better off with the third-person being their narrative. If it was Pelosi who answered the door, he should have tried to flee, right? But he didn’t, he went BACK to be with the nudist hippie who has been rumored to be a male prostitute.

Ahem, notice we said rumored.

DePape is currently locked up in San Francisco jail without bail after spending time in the hospital himself.