Home Politics Liberal Senator Defends His Membership At An All-White Private Beach Club: “It’s...

Liberal Senator Defends His Membership At An All-White Private Beach Club: “It’s a long tradition” (Video)

Most libs would immediately apologize and surrender if pressured by the woke mob to cancel their membership at one of the most exclusive, all-white beach clubs in the country. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) is not most libs, he’s the worst kind.

Whitehouse, who was elected to a second term in 2018, might have a difficult time if his name were on the ballot this year—when politicians and commoners alike are being canceled for running afoul of “woke” culture. His refusal to renounce his ties to Bailey’s Beach Club in Newport, R.I., might be considered problematic AF in some circles, especially given that he promised to cancel his membership back in 2006.

Local journalists confronted Whitehouse after learning that he resigned from the club in 2010, but transferred his ownership shares to his wife, Sandra Thornton. As a result, “Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse” became one of the largest shareholders in the exclusive club, alongside prominent members of the Vanderbilt and Astor families.

Whitehouse refused to back down, telling GoLocalProv.com that while he thought “it would be nice if [Bailey’s] changed a little bit,” he was not in a “position” to make those decisions. “I will take that up privately,” he said, before refusing to comment further.

He continued to defend his family’s membership in the all-white private Bailey’s Beach Club in Newport, GoLocalProv reports.

Senator Whitehouse said: “It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island and there are many of them and I think we just need to work our way through the issues.”

Video below:

Considering his long history of promoting social justice and racial equality, this statement exposes the Dems and their hypocrisy!