Home Culture Massive Movement to Recognize Antifa As Terrorists Now Has Over 200k Signatures...

Massive Movement to Recognize Antifa As Terrorists Now Has Over 200k Signatures on White House Petition!

The petition to recognize Antifa as a terror group has reached over 200K signatures now!

The White House petition rules state that once the number of signatures reach 100K the White House will make an official response to the petition.

The state of New Jersey has already categorized Antifa as a “terror organization” on it’s website.


Will other States follow suite? Will the President direct federal law enforcement to do what they should have done months ago and declare Antifa a terrorist organization?

We pray that justice will be served in this matter.

Washington Examiner reports:

A petition calling on the Trump administration to formally recognize the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has reached the threshold after which the White House is compelled to reply.

The effort passed the 100,000 benchmark around 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday. Though the petition had 30 days to reach that goal, it did so in less than a week.

“AntiFa has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities and their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States,” the petition, started Thursday, states. The Washington Examiner initially reported on the petition on Friday, when it had 1,259 signatures.

Antifa is short for anti-fascists, and the people involved are generally extreme leftists known for their face-offs with right-wing activists, including recently in Berkeley, Calif. Antifa counter-protesters made an appearance in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend and clashed with white supremacy and neo-Nazi groups protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.

This weekend, on Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters descended on Boston, including a “free speech” rally organized by some right-leaning groups. These groups were reportedly far outnumbered by groups of counter-protesters. While there were some arrests, the demonstrations were largely peaceful.


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