Now that the White House position to have the violent extremists of ANTIFA declared as a terrorist group has already surpassed the required number of signatures, the media continues to work hard to put lipstick on this particular fascist pig.
One day after CNN ran a fawning story about ANTIFA activists with an Orwellian headline that the group wants peace through violence which has since been changed, NBC’s Chuck Todd hosted a sit down with a Dartmouth University professor who was given a nationally televised forum to justify the group’s terroristic tactics.
#Antifa @melvillehouse
— Mark Bray (@Mark__Bray) August 17, 2017
During Sunday’s edition of Press the Meat Meet the Press, Todd allowed a guy named Mark Bray to make his case of why the use of violence if an acceptable political response to losing an election.
While NBC tried to offer a balance to Bray by allowing Southern Poverty Law Center representative Richard Cohen sit in as a counterpart it was just a sleazy trick to normalize the domestic terrorism of ANTIFA and was nothing other than a stunt. ANTIFA should not be allowed ANY legitimate media presence, to do otherwise is irresponsible and only serves to condone violence which both NBC and Chuck Todd did by allowing this maniac to get up on his soapbox.
The conservative media watchdog Media Research Center is blasting both Todd as well as his network over even allowing a loathsome character like Bray to speak and calling for decent Americans to express their extreme displeasure with this decision by NBC that is effectively helping to mainstream hatred and promote violence.
NBC’s Chuck Todd gave a platform to antifa. Call NBC and demand they stop giving oxygen to a violent, leftist group.
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) August 18, 2017
Unbelievable. Why give a violent leftist group free press? Call NBC/Chuck Todd and tell them this needs to stop.
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) August 21, 2017
Here’s my statement on MSNBC and Chuck Todd giving a platform to antifa. Full coverage here:
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) August 17, 2017
If the White House honors the petition and officially declares ANTIFA to be a terrorist organization, then wouldn’t NBC and CNN be its propaganda arms?
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