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This Perfect Description of “WHY DEMS LOSE” Is Going VIRAL!

The Democrat Party is in shambles.

Their leadership are people like bat-flake crazy Maxine Waters, foul mouth weirdo Tom Perez and terrorist supporter Linda Sarsour.

These nasty, hateful people have no message that resonates with the American people who have strong work ethics, sound morals and respect for law and order.

The only sorts of things they seem to care about is coddling foreigners who break our laws, allowing men into women’s bathrooms, impeaching our America First President and protecting radical Islamic.

We’ve seen a lot of accurate descriptions of the failed Democrat Party, but this one is a perfect summary of it.

Is there anything missing here?

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Violent Liberal Arrested for SUCKER PUNCHING Black Trump Supporter

A man suspected of punching a black Trump supporter in the face during an anti-illegal immigration rally over the weekend was arrested by California law enforcement.

Tuesday night, Laguna Beach police charged Richard Losey with suspicion of battery assault and hate crime for sucker-punching R.C. Maxwell.

Maxwell is a black conservative and Trump supporter.

Losey allegedly punched Maxwell during an “America First” rally where people participated in a vigil to remember victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Counter-protesters emerged and gathered about the few dozen who came to the vigil and police had to keep them separated.

Maxwell walked over into the group of counter-protesters to peacefully talk to them about his views.

A video of the incident shows Losey allegedly punching him.

The Daily Caller reports:


“There is a problem with illegal immigration, I speak out against that, that doesn’t make me a Nazi,” Maxwell says to those gathered.  The counter-protesters told Maxwell he was a “traitor” and that people want him in chains in response to his views. Video then shows Maxwell getting a punch to the face.

“I think the fact that I’m a black conservative causes a lot of problems for the left side because there’s no way they can really resolve that according to their narrative of what they think trump supporters are, so I think that was a bit triggering to the other side,” Maxwell told Fox LA. “I was getting lots of specific comments like you’re a sellout, you’re an Uncle Tom.”

Maxwell reported the incident to the police, who were able to track down Losey with the help of the video. Police found him trying to buy a bus ticket back to Ohio.

“If the optics were completely different and I was a black lives matter supporter and I was attacked on the Trump side of a protest I would be in the spotlight on CNN right now,” Maxwell said. “I went over to the left side to see if I could engage them with dialogue and I was instantly encircled by the so called anti fascists.”

Watch the video:


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JERRY JONES Announces New Rule That Could Save The NFL, Here’s What He Said That Has America Cheering

Everybody knows that Colin Kaepernick’s polarizing decision to protest the national anthem was a stupid thing to do! Honoring and respect the flag of our nation is also paying respect for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep of nation safe and free.

Now for all the overpaid players that feel they have contributed to our nation by playing football need a reality check, you have only served your ego! If you want to disrespect the flag, our nation, our vets and military members and football fans, we really don’t want to see you play! To get respect you have to give respect, common sense!

Therefore, Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, has issued an unequivocal statement to his players, just days away from the kick-off of the NFL’s 2017 preseason. Jones told his players that they have to stand during the playing of the national anthem if they want to suit up in the silver and blue this season.

Jones sees it as a measure of respect for the fans, as well the military and the USA.

Finally, an owner with the courage to stand up for our country! That is true leadership! I applaud his statement to his team. It’s about time an owner has the courage to mandate paying respect to the anthem!

If athletes can’t stand for the national anthem then they don’t deserve playing football and getting paid millions of dollars in this country. These days it is such an embarrassing shame what America has turned into.

Not standing for the national anthem is a sign of disrespect, which should never be allowed! What a player says or does on his own time, is his business. When on the field, it’s not his time. It’s his employer’s time.

Thank you, Mr. Jerry Jones, you are truly a patriot and an Ambassador for the NFL and a man of great character.

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CNN Reporter Gets Tear Gassed Live on Air In Alt-Left Chaos, Shocked When he Sees Who Betrayed Him

CNN has absolutely NO credibility anymore and why anyone watches them is beyond me! Unless of course, they tell you what you want to hear.

When CNN finally printed a headline reflecting real news for a change, they caved to the haters and did some selective editing. They wrote an article about Antifa but changed the headline later to appease Antifa because they say they’re not responsible for the violence.

Well, by all means, CNN’s Gary Tuchman, a correspondent on the ground in Phoenix, could barely speak to anchor Don Lemon after he got tear gassed. Watch the video below!

Via Real Clear Politics:

“The police have deployed tear gas and some concussion ordinance that has startled people here. There hasn’t been any violence so far, that’s the good news. But the tear gas here is very acute. Most people have left,” Tuchman reported.

“But all of our faces right now are burning, all of our throats are burning,” Tuchman said.

“Why did it happen? I don’t know the answer,” he said.

“There were some water bottles thrown at police and the next thing we felt was the burning tear gas,” he explained.

Earlier, another CNN reporter nearly got hit by the lit end of a smoke grenade after protesters chucked water bottles at the police.

Police release statement to disperse:

As always, the ONLY time violence occurs during free speech/assembly is when DEMOCRATS cause it. Democrats hate freedom so much they attack it. Yet all Democrat “journalists” complain about is reactions by the victims of Democrat crime.

This is a shame and throwing anything at the Police is not the rule of Law. Why can’t the CNN Reporter just tell the Truth and announce how many Thousands? He is another CNN Lazy or can’t report on the full crowd to inform all Americans. The CNN Reporter does not even know how to report how the Gas Happen????

This is not just Fake News just CNN Lazy News Missed and Non-Reporting!

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Watch the Disgusting Moment When Black Trump Supporter was Attacked by Racist Alt-Left Protesters

The liberal left is the greatest promoter of hate – it relies upon extreme emotion to advance its agenda. Objective thought is not their way.

A black supporter of President Trump was punched in the face after leaving the president’s rally in Phoenix, Wednesday night.

Watch the video below!

A few thousand protesters showed up outside the event, and things were mostly peaceful until the end of the rally when Trump supporters filtered out of the Phoenix Convention Center and police had to use tear gas to manage the crowds, according to Mediaite.

One violent clash between Trump supporters and protesters was caught on video by New York Times correspondent Simon Romero, showing a pickup truck packed with MAGA-hat-wearers arguing with protesters surrounding the truck.

In the video, one of the MAGA-hatters, a black man, restrains his friend following a shouting match with protesters, and the friend eventually gets into the driver’s seat of the truck while the black man hops in the bed with two others.

The driver appears to turn his wheels and attempt to drive into protesters on the sidewalk, causing a commotion. He then continues on the road slowly, until one sign-bearing protester charges up to the bed of the truck and punches the black man repeatedly in the face.

The truck stops briefly and reverses, before eventually driving away.

Won’t see this on CNN or MSNBC, huh?

A white man punched a black Trump supporter now that sounds like violent racism, but the media is controlled by its globalists conglomerates who have their own agenda and the evil just keeps coming. The integrity of reporters who are willing to stand up against their bosses is lacking.

Violence never stops, too bad the leaders, especially, from the left keep on inciting people to commit violence, and people, like Soros, funding the hate and violence.

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NFL Executive Just Gave Colin Kaepernick Career Ending News, Ends Comeback With Brutal Reality Check

After the recent clash in Charlottesville, Virgina between violent groups such as ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter and white supremacists, the shrill scream of racism in the NFL has grown louder. Last week, Seattle Seahawk defensive end Michael Bennett sat during the anthem as well as, Oakland Raiders Marshawn Lynch to protest the racial inequality in America. And, now to up the manufactured hysteria, the NAACP has demanded that Colin Kaepernick is given a job or else.

For the first time in history, a total of 11 athletes from one team dropped to their knee when the National Anthem started, refusing to stand and honor our flag.

They decided to follow Colin Kaepernick path!
But was that a good decision?
If you ask some of NFL executives their answer would be one huge no!

And NAACP won’t want to hear this.

There is a huge problem for Colin Kaepernick. The teams that would make use of him don’t want him because they need to tank. They need to tank to get their franchise quarterback in the NFL Draft.

It’s about the risk of what happens to the team concept when you sign a guy — a quarterback — who has put his personal agenda ahead of what we are all charged to do, which is put the team first. As a team builder, I cannot risk that happening again, especially for a borderline starter who needs the entire offense catered to his style.”

Even if one did say that he maintained ths skills to be a starting quarterback (he doesn’t), playing quarterback in the NFL isn’t just about skill. He must lead, unite, and put the team first. None of those things are in his personal skill set

A run-first quarterback with a propensity to take sacks — one who appears to be more interested in social activism than football — does not necessarily fit that bill.

The executive continued with two shining examples of quarterbacks who value winning as a team above all else, including protests during the national anthem.

Tom Brady and Phillip Rivers have jobs. Is it because they’re white? No, it’s because they know the game and know how to pick apart a secondary. They don’t take unnecessary sacks and they certainly don’t bring too much attention that is negative. They lead their team and bring positive attention to their teams.

“As far as his prospects as a backup, I don’t think he is being blackballed in terms of rich white owners saying, ‘We are not hiring this guy,’” a defensive coordinator also told ESPN.

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Couple ‘see JESUS’ In Their Ultrasound Image (Video)

No proof is needed to validate the deity of God or the nature of Christianity. However the more we trust in our God the more he rewards us with proof of His great love for us. Belief in Jesus doesn’t come through artifacts, although they may be nice to have.

But miracles do happen and one Pennsylvania couple witnessed the presence of Jesus!
They saw an unexpected image in their baby’s sonogram. They say the clear image of a man watching over their daughter is offering them a sense of relief.

Mother, Alicia Zeek’s reacted to the image with confusion, “When they gave it to us… Umm, to me, it’s Jesus. And it looks like Jesus.”

Father, Zac Smith also confused by what he was seeing, “this is distinct– I mean, there’s another face looking at my daughter!”

The Franklin County couple went in for an ultrasound ahead of the birth of their baby girl- Alicia says she could hardly believe it when she saw the sonogram, “I blinked a lot, to kinda make sure I was really seeing it…”

The expecting parents say while they aren’t very religious, they see a man dressed in a robe with a crown of thorns looking on at their baby.

Zac says the image made him emotional, “when I seen it, it almost brought tears to my eyes… I was speechless, I just couldn’t believe it, I really didn’t believe what I was seeing.”

That image is putting them at ease after Alicia experienced a number of complications with her first two children. Her daughter was born with pre-axial polydactyl– which means she had two thumbs on one hand.


Incredible evidence continuing to come forward, but there still are people who doubt and deny the truth.
Yet again many lived in Christ’s day and they didn’t believe.
But this is a Blessing to the skeptics that eyes have not been opened!

Democrat Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Law, Violates 2nd and 14th Amendments

The supreme law of the land is the Constitution. So, if the government touches you firearms they broke that constitutional law and they will be subject to that law. Sadly, Oregon does not see it that way! Oregon lawmakers passed a bill that allows them to confiscate the guns from its owners, without their knowledge.

The bill co-sponsored by Sen. Brian Boquist (R-Dallas), is SB 719, has passed Oregon’s House and Senate. However, it creates an Extreme Risk Protection Order, which forces the subject of the order to hand over all firearms, as well as his concealed carry permit if he possesses one.

In a disturbing move that reeks of tyranny, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed a Democrat bill into law that permits the Oregon government to steal guns without notice.

The law, based off of Oregon Senate Bill 719, has faced massive resistance from Republicans and Oregon citizens alike. Despite this, the local governments managed to sign it into law—Oregon is no longer a free state.

This flies in the very face of the Consitution and the purpose of the Second Amendment, which was to ensure that the government could never take away your right without Constitutional due process.

It’s also a direct violation of the 14th amendment. This amendment gives everyone the right to a formal hearing before his or the tyrannical government steals her property.

Too many people are unfamiliar with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! They never learned why they were instated, and it shows in their willingness to give them up so easily.

Oregon made a way for taxpayers to fund the slaughter of the unborn. And then they make a law making it legal for them to steal your guns??? And the people in Oregon are okay with it?

If they are not, it’s up to them to stand up and say no!

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Glenn Miller aka Malik Mohammad Ali’s identity change most likely had a lot to do with his racist tantrums and shootings two police officers, but the liberal media keeps emphasizing he was a former Marine.

For example:

  • Suspect in Kissimmee police shootings is former Marine, records show – CBS News
  • Accused cop killer was long-time Marine – WKMG Orlando
  • Marine Corps veteran accused of shooting 2 Kissimmee police officers was arrested at nearby bar – Orlando Sentinel

The Marine corps trains people to have self control and to respect authority, not lose control and murder law enforcement, so why does being an ex-Marine have anything to do with it?

Reiterating that he was a Marine fits the media’s political agenda, which is supportive of Islam and black nationalism, while being hostile to the military.

Next the liberal media will probably come up with some fake study showing that veterans have killed more people than Muslim terrorists and endlessly play it up.

The liberal media is avoiding to report that Everett Glenn Miller recently changed his name to Malik Mohammad Ali.

As reported by The Inquisitr:

Everett Glenn Miller changed his name to Malik Mohammad Ali, which is the name listed on Ali’s Facebook account. As seen on the Malik Mohammad Ali Facebook page, Malik has (Glenn Miller) in parenthesis in his Facebook header.

The liberal media will only discuss PTSD and how dangerous veterans are, while guys named Mohammed are all wonderful people.

Of course we have seen before and will continue to see the liberal media spare no effort to avoiding bringing up the religious beliefs of murderers if it is Islam.

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MSNBC Loses Trump Speech Feed — ‘Trash Man’ Appears on SMTPE Test Screen

On Monday night while MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was discussing the President’s speech, a video of people leaving the the hall was being aired along side of her and the feed was lost and a SMTPE Test Pattern appeared on the screen with the words “Trash Man” super imposed on it.

Maddow had just made a typical disparaging comment about Trump by saying he is “belligerent” for calling out Pakistan for harboring terrorist when the feed was interrupted with the despicable test pattern.

Twitter users caught the moment and called MSNBC for obviously referring to the President as “trash.”

Watch the moment it happened: 

It is no mystery what “Trash Man” meant.

MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves and apologize to President Trump for such a juvenile disrespectful display.

H/T The American Mirror

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