Home Culture Sanders: Trump Asking DREAMERS To Live In Their Own Countries ‘Cruelest Decision...

Sanders: Trump Asking DREAMERS To Live In Their Own Countries ‘Cruelest Decision Ever Made’

According to Senator Bernie Sanders, if President Trump ends DACA, “it will be one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history.”

report from Politico released Sunday said President Trump decided to end Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program as he promised during the campaign, though he’s allegedly going to delay enforcement of the decision for six months, “giving Congress a window to act.”

“If Trump decides to end DACA, it will be one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history,” Sanders wrote in response to the news Sunday on Twitter.

According to Bernie Sanders, asking these young adults to live in their own countries with their own families and their own people is one of the “ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history.”

Caleta Beach in Acapulco Mexico



According to Bernie Sanders, asking Mexican citizens to live in Mexico is unbelievably “cruel.”

According to Bernie Sanders, it’s apparently worse than the Bush regime lying America into the war in Iraq — which killed 1 million Iraqis. It’s also worse than Hillary and Obama’s intervention in Libya and Syria which led to the rise of ISIS and their ensuing reign of terror.

Simply telling these young adults “they have to go back” now that they’ve received a free education at US taxpayers expense (which cost taxpayers around $200,000 to provide) and have accumulated savings and work experience in America is a fate worse than death.

Mind you, at the same time, these libs say we’re supposed to keep our borders open to these countries, so their people — who these DREAMers can’t even live with — will be allowed into America.

This is the left’s case for open borders.

Author: Chris Menahan
Courtesy of Information Liberation

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