Home Culture Video: Extremely Loud Islamic Call to Prayer Is Being Broadcasted 5 Timer...

Video: Extremely Loud Islamic Call to Prayer Is Being Broadcasted 5 Timer A Day During COVID Lockdown – Sparks Noise Complaints In LA

Obama wanted to systematically change America, well, keep electing people like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and it will happen.

But this change won’t be good for the real Americans!

Obama might be gone but his legacy lives on.

We all know that we are a country that is based on freedom and diversity but the left has gone too far!
Everyone should express their religion as long as they don’t interfere with our way of living.

Culver City is the latest city that has to put up with the enormously loud Islamic call to prayer 5 times a day during the coronavirus lockdown
This upset many of the non-Muslim residents of the area.

Los Angeles Times reported:

Outside the Culver City mosque, some pedestrians stopped in their tracks when they first heard the adhan, seemingly surprised. This was something new, and it was not altogether clear how it would be received — as with many things Muslim in the U.S.

But in Culver City, the call to prayer did not go unchallenged for long.

After four days, on May 18, the city’s police department revoked the amplified noise permit, citing people congregating at the mosque in violation of the county health order, as well as “numerous loud noise complaints from area residents.”

“We have had and will continue to have a great relationship with mosque leadership,” said Capt. Jason Sims with the Culver City Police Department. “We are certainly happy to help with facilitating any type of service that is not in violation of county health orders.”

Three days later, the city changed course again, reinstating the permit on the condition that the mosque lower the volume.

Meanwhile, on the Nextdoor social networking app, debates raged between neighbors.

Video below:

This really sounds like we are in the Middle East and not in the United States of America.

Personally I can confirm that it sounds EXACTLY like Cairo – I was staying in a hotel there back in 1997 and that’s JUST what it sounded like.