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Video: In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci Will Make Profit From COVID-19 Vaccine And He Owns Half The Patent

The debate was labeled Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz: The Great Vaccine Debate! This historic debate between Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz happened few days ago but not one mainstream media giant decided to report about it!

On July 12, signs went up on anti-vaccine pages about a live debate between Robert F Kennedy Jr and Alan Dershowitz.

The debate opened with a previous quote from Dershowitz that said that the state has a right to compel people to be vaccinated, that there is no constitutional right not to be vaccinated, and that “the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.”



In the debate with Alan Dershowitz, Bobby Kennedy Jr. shared:

I think it is really important for our democracy to be able to have spirited, civil discussions about important issues like this. This is an issue that has been on the news 24 hours a day for the last four months and yet there’s no debate happening about this. It’s all repetition of orthodoxies and government proclamations and democracy functions only when we have free thought and information. Democracy is best often crafted in a furnace of heated, spirited debate.

The bombshell of the debate happened when Robert F. Kennedy’s son claimed that Dr. Tony Fauci and the Gates Foundation stand to make a hefty profit from the manufacture of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Kennedy said:

The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent. He and these five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that.

So you have a corrupt system and now they have a vaccine that is too big to fail. And instead of saying this was a terrible, terrible mistake, they are saying we are going to order 2 billion doses of this and you’ve got to understand Alan with these COVID vaccines these companies are playing with house money. They’re not spending any dime, they have no liability. Well if they kill 20 people or 200 people or 2,000 people in their clinical trials, big deal. They have zero liability. And guess what, they’ve wasted none of their money because we’re giving them money to play with.

The full debate below:

The election of President Donald Trump raised grave concerns for the future of vaccination in the United States. Trump had frequently embraced—both before and during his election campaign allegations linking childhood vaccines to autism. Shortly before his inauguration, he met with Robert F. Kennedy Jr, one of the most prominent and vocal critics of vaccine safety and current US vaccine policy, who announced after that meeting that he would lead a presidential “vaccine safety commission” charged with investigating these topics.

When it comes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines President Trump respects the opinion of its citizens.

Back in May President Trump said that the US economy will begin reopening even without a vaccine.

“Vaccine or no vaccine we’re back and we’re starting the process,” he said.

Trump once again insisted the coronavirus will somehow disappear even without vaccination, a prospect his own top health advisers have dismissed as unrealistic.

“I think we’re going have a vaccine in the pretty near future and if we do we’re going to really be a big step ahead, and if we don’t, it’ll be like so many other cases where you had a problem come in, it’ll go away at some point, it’ll go away,” Trump said.

He also indicated that vaccination won’t be mandatory. “Not everybody’s going to want to get it,” he said.

Watch the moment below:

Some Americans question the safety of vaccination.

More than one in 10 U.S. adults would turn down a coronavirus vaccine, according to recent polling.

Research from Morning Consult found 14 percent said they would not get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The age group most likely to turn down such a treatment were those between 35 and 44, at 18 percent.

While in political splits, Republicans were most likely to turn it down at 20 percent, followed by independents at 16, then Democrats at 7.

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