Home Opinion Video: Woman Argues with Biden at the Waffle House – Her Facial...

Video: Woman Argues with Biden at the Waffle House – Her Facial Expression Is All of Us

Joe Biden and his wife Jill stopped at a Waffle House in the Atlanta area early on Friday morning (28 June) and told customers “I think we did well” in the presidential debate.

The unexpected visit came shortly after the president’s heated clash with rival Donald Trump on CNN.

Walking into the restaurant, the pair were warmly received by diners and staff, with many taking the opportunity to snap photos and share a few words with the president and first lady.


But not all were impressed with Biden’s appearance!

Watch the woman behind Biden:

Her eyes said, “Lord have mercy!”

Very sad that Jill Biden has let it come to this.
If the world leaders did not know before this (they did) they know now.
Never been a Joe Biden fan, but I feel bad for our COUNTRY because our dignity is at stake.

During Thursday night’s debate, Biden sounded hoarse and delivered a shaky, halting performance while his rival President Trump battered him with a series of attacks.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)