Home Politics BREAKING! Minutes Ago Trump Just Pointed Out A HUGE Threat to America!...

BREAKING! Minutes Ago Trump Just Pointed Out A HUGE Threat to America! Liberals Are Furious

Democrats know illegal immigrants are not the friends of the American people but these are people bought and paid to for by the Democrats to destroy America. Our enemy is the Democratic Party.

Our President trying to protect us by securing our borders. God forbid we have an attack because the left will blame him!!! What a bunch.of idiots they are!

President Trump accused “Obstructionist Democrats” on Friday of hurting national security by waging court fights against his policies, in an apparent reference to the battle over his travel ban and other measures that could get renewed attention following the terror attacks in Spain.

“The Obstructionist Democrats make Security for our country very difficult. They use the courts and associated delay at all times. Must stop!” Trump tweeted, later adding: “Radical Islamic Terrorism must be stopped by whatever means necessary! The courts must give us back our protective rights. Have to be tough!”



Trump also said:
Homeland Security and law enforcement are on alert & closely watching for any sign of trouble. Our borders are far tougher than ever before!” Trump tweeted.

But yet again the Democrats are obstructing him.

Despite his assurance on the border, his administration remains locked in a court battle with opponents of his travel ban.

The Supreme Court plans to take up the case in the fall while allowing portions of it to go into effect.
I personally can’t wait for this to happen!

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