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Hurricane Victim Who Took Selfie With President Trump Changed Her Mind, “I Think He’s a Wonderful Man”

Two women who took a selfie with President Trump (see video below) and had a chance to speak with him have a totally different view of him now.

Hurricane victim Shanna Miles and Likisha Collins spoke to President Trump and then told ABC: “I had a different opinion of him, now I think he’s a wonderful man. He’s a really cool dude when you get to meet him!”

It’s amazing that ABC news is actually reporting this isn’t it?

President Trump Serves Food at NRG Stadium: This is awesome! President Trump puts on gloves to serve food. He turns to the press and says” “My hands are too big!”

President Trump hands out food boxes and meets with Harvey victims: “We will get through this and rebuild”

Which goes to show how lying Democrat politicians and their fake news media can easily poison people’s minds with hate.

Reality shows a completely different picture.

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