Home Uncategorized Jill Biden Leaves A Cryptic Message On Her Husband’s Shaving Mirror (Video)

Jill Biden Leaves A Cryptic Message On Her Husband’s Shaving Mirror (Video)

Joe Biden seems to be deteriorating more quickly now. On Tuesday, he read a poem and wasn’t able to get through it without major coherency lapses.

Then, on Wednesday, Biden faced some real difficulty again during remarks that he delivered during a reception at the White House celebrating Women’s History Month.

He said this was a time to honor women like his wife, the “first full-time lady.”


We’re not sure what President Joe Biden was on about today … he was bragging about how he’d made the judiciary look more like America by appointing more black and female judges than any other president. He almost had another “you know the thing” moment when he started quoting the Declaration of Independence, and he told some stories about his wife, Jill Biden. We’ve heard the notes on the shaving mirror story before, but this one’s just odd.

I think his saddest comment of the event was one that he didn’t even seem to understand was sad.

Video below:

“Jill puts messages on my mirror while I’m shaving,” Biden said. “One that was put in about a year ago was ‘stop trying to make me love you.’” Does he have to “try” to make her love him? Yikes, that’s pretty darn sad, and a little bit creepy. If he thought it was funny, it wasn’t. Not to mention the messages on the mirror thing is something you have to do to keep reminding people who have issues with memory.

She probably left him messages like, “You are currently the President of the United States,” “Please don’t kiss any children today,” and “I left a fresh Depends on the bed by your suit.” But these are not suitable for the public.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)