Home Culture Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones Call for Destruction of Bill Clinton Statue

Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones Call for Destruction of Bill Clinton Statue

In an exclusive interview with The American Mirror, Juanita Broaddrick, who claimed she was raped by former President Bill Clinton, says she would like to take a sledgehammer to a statue of of the former President which stands in Rapid City, SD.

Broaddrick feels that if liberals would not want to continue to condone rape by allow a statue of Bill Clinton to stand, but says they have always ignored her.

Paula Jones feels the same way because Bill Clinton exposed himself to her and sexually harassed her, but settle out of court.


Certainly if destroying statures of people who have been gone for decades because they were slave owners is justice, then destroying a statue of a sex predator and rapist must follow.

Via The American Mirror:

Speaking exclusively to The American Mirror, Broaddrick denounced the lack of efforts to uproot a monument to Bill Clinton in South Dakota, the man she says raped her in a Little Rock, Arkansas hotel room in 1978.

I would like to ‘personally’ use a sledgehammer on it, with the help of Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones,” Broaddrick says.

A life-size statue of Clinton stands at the corner of 7th and Saint Joseph Street in Rapid City.

Broaddrick believes liberals have conveniently ignored Clinton’s misdeeds.

“I don’t think it would be in their best interest (to acknowledge them), even though they know Bill Clinton is abhorrent and morally deficient, to say the least,” she tells The American Mirror.

She declined to invite feminist groups to help her.

“They have ignored me in the past and it would not be worth the effort. They have too many strong political ties to the Clintons,” she says.

Paula Jones made her feelings known about the Clinton statue on facebook.

Jones posted: “Yes, I am 100% offended… and all women should be too… And to think Taylor Swift was only grabbed on the ass (her words)… that’s so wrong, but not near as offensive as the Governor groping you and showing you his little crooked pee pee and asking for sexual favors… while I was working, too!”

YES..I am 💯% offended…and all WOMEN should be too…and to think Taylor Swift was only grabbed on the ASS (her words)…

Posted by Paula Jones on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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