Home Culture DISGUSTING: Liberals Attack Trump’s Women for Wearing THIS in Public

DISGUSTING: Liberals Attack Trump’s Women for Wearing THIS in Public

One thing is certain- we have a beautiful and classy First Lady and First Daughter! This is definitely an improvement over our previous administration. And they come with class too, something we didn’t have previously.

But sadly the mainstream media is on a constant witch hunt against our First Family!

Leftists Newsweek attacked President Donald Trump’s female family members for wearing high heels in public because of sexism or something.

“Melania, Ivanka, and Ivana Trump Wear High Heels, a Symbol of Everything That Is Beautiful and Horrifying About Them,” read the headline, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

“The female consorts of the Leader of the Free World do not set foot in public without first molding their arches into the supernatural curve that Mattel toy designers once devised for Barbie’s plastic feet,” the author complained.

Newsweek argued that high heels are designed primarily to attract men, not for the comfort of the women wearing them.

“So to deconstruct why Trump women wear high heels: They are just buying into traditional binary views of male and female,” British psychologist Paul Morris opined.

“High heels thrust out the buttocks and arch the back into a natural mammalian courting,” an American anthropologist agreed. “Rats do it, sheep do it … lions do it, dogs do it. It is a naturally sexy posture that men immediately see as sexual readiness. [Heels] are a ‘come-hither’ signal.”

“When women wear high heels at work, they send sexual signals that should be avoided if they want to be taken seriously,” she said.

Newsweek further noted that the first women to wear high heels were “Italian prostitutes in the 17th century” and that “the high heel was a staple of Victorian porn.”

“Stiletto pumps are the ultimate test of a certain type of femininity. They signal the taut combination of power and weakness that conservative women must cultivate in order to survive among ideologues who are crafting our tax-free ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ future,” Newsweek concluded.

But it’s ok of course if SHE wears them…

Well, the Democratic liberals are far too old to wear them… Hillary included.

There couldn’t be a more elegant, graceful, fashionable, lovely First Lady and First Daughter in the White House.

Beautiful, classy, graceful, stylish women to be proud of. They are more stunning each time they make an appearance. They’re both beautiful and stylish. Because they are real women, look like women, and wear awesome women’s clothing and shoes, all those jealous people need to get a grip on what it really is to be a female/woman!!

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