Home Government Well, Well, Well, Look Who Opposed DACA in 2014 but Is Opposing...

Well, Well, Well, Look Who Opposed DACA in 2014 but Is Opposing Trump Now!

Paul Ryan declared last week that he doesn’t think President Trump should end DACA but back in 2014, he called it “blatantly unconstitutional.”

RINOs like Paul Ryan will say anything to get elected and don’t care about the American people, but only if they are being politically correct enough that day because they are afraid the liberal elite controlled media will say something bad about them.

Paul Ryan, like his buddies Marco Rubio and John McCain, never intended to stop DACA, it suits their globalist agenda just fine.

These RINOs never have any problem helping to easily pass though more spending and more taxes, but make out most anything else is hard to do.

Via The Daily Caller:

House Speaker Paul Ryan said last week that he doesn’t think President Trump should end DACA, although in 2014 he called it “blatantly unconstitutional.”

“I actually don’t think he should do that, and I believe that this is something that Congress has to fix,” Ryan said of Trump’s decision to end the Obama executive order that protects undocumented children.

However, in a 2014 interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Ryan sang a different tune.

Hannity asked Ryan what he would do to stop Obama if he were to “follow through on his threat for executive amnesty.”

“First of all, it’s unconstitutional so we’re already going through the court system on other unconstitutional executive orders that [Obama] has worked on and we would add this to the pile,” Ryan said at the time.

“If he were to do that, by the way, he would put millions of people in legal limbo, poison the well for Congress, and do something that’s so blatantly unconstitutional so we’re telling the administration don’t even think about doing this,” he asserted.

“If you want to change a law, then go to Congress,” Ryan said. “You can’t unilaterally write a law as the executive.”

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