Twitter user Raf Sanchez shared this tweet along with a snarky comment:
Here’s a photo of @Millennial_Matt with Trump and carrying a burning torch in Charlottesville. This isn’t complicated.
— Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) August 12, 2017
Of course, the image is fake—it’s been photoshopped.
It appears @millenial_matt’s profile picture is photoshopped. Here’s the original Trump picture.
— Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) August 13, 2017
Now, look at the number of retweets of the fake image compared to the retraction.
Notice difference in number of retweets between the fake Photoshop and the correction
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) August 13, 2017
Sanchez barely corrected his original post when the correction only gets 79 retweets as opposed to 20K retweets of the fake. He uses the fallacy of guilt by association because “some Nazi’s are Trump supporters.” It’s the only proof he needs that Trump reciprocates in his support of them. (Which he doesn’t.)
If that isn’t bad enough, it went viral and Sanchez refuses to remove it.
It’s right to correct. It’s also right that a great many of the Nazis in Charlottesville were Trump supporters. Ask David Duke.
— Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) August 13, 2017
Sanchez is promptly scolded by another twitter user.
You realize this is your own prejudice and bigotry at play here correct? Do you see the damage you did by acting on hatred?
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) August 13, 2017
He was just hoping he was right but now he just looks dumb. Delete your stupid tweet. Correction is not enough.
— Laura Gadbery (@lgadbery) August 13, 2017
So take down the tweet of you promoting lies. This isn’t that complicated
— TomRanger (@TomRangerUSA) August 13, 2017
Sanchez won’t delete the original Trump tweet. Even though it is wrong, Sanchez is using faulty reasoning to justify that it is pushing the right message.
What a nasty individual!
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