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Video: Calls For “Court-Martial” Grow After An Aviation Boatswain’s Mate, Disses Her Commander-in-Chief With a “F TRUMP!” And Intimidates Trump’s Supporters

Video of a uniformed petty officer screaming “Fuck Trump!” as she angrily confronted protesters over the weekend has sparked an investigation by her California command, officials said Tuesday.

At the onset of the roughly one-minute video, the sailor — identified by officials as Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launch/Recovery) 2nd Class Sarah J. Dudrey — gets out of a vehicle surrounded by a group of shouting, flag-waving individuals. The confrontation took place at the Ventura County Government Center, but it is unclear what sparked it.

Roughly seven seconds in, wearing her woodland cammies and a face mask pulled down around her chin, Dudrey yells and gets in the face of one protester while several others mill about the Navy Times reported.

Dudrey, 24, deploys double middle fingers to the incensed crowd — which appears to number roughly a dozen people — several times throughout the encounter, which Navy officials said happened on Sunday.

Here are some of the exchanges between this shameful woman and the patriots she accosted:

“Shame on you,” one voice calls from off-camera.

Dudrey appears to jaw with several people but her exact words are lost in the din.

“Take the flag off your shoulder!” another protester yells.

At one point, the petty officer gets in the face of a woman who holds a star-spangled umbrella in one hand and a sign in the other that reads, in part, “no more house arrest.”

“You should be ashamed!” a protester yells at Dudrey.

“Learn how to act in a fucking uniform, you fucking piece of shit!” another advises.

“Who’s your commanding officer?” one off-camera voice asks repeatedly.

Cover in hand, Dudrey then heads back to her car, middle fingers once more raised.

“Fuck Trump!” she yells again.

Video below:

Never mind that President Trump is her boss, and if any of us ran out screaming, “f**k our boss” we’d be fired, but to be so aggressive and intimidating while in a United States Military uniform, and while on active duty is beyond unacceptable.