Home Culture Video: The Antifa “Kid” Who Police Say Incited The Riots Is Being...

Video: The Antifa “Kid” Who Police Say Incited The Riots Is Being Escorted By ‘Mommy And Daddy’ As He Turns Himself In

Yesterday the Pittsburgh police confirmed that they are searching for a man they said turned Saturday’s protest in the city’s downtown over the death of George Floyd into a riot.

Brian Jordan Bartels, 20, of Shaler, Penn., remained at large Monday, police said.

They said a search warrant was served on his home Sunday in conjuction with the FBI.

“Police secured the warrant as part of an investigation into a male suspect who incited Saturday’s violence by breaking the windows out of a marked Pittsburgh Police vehicle Uptown, against the wishes of peaceful protesters who tried to stop him,” police spokesman Chris Togneri said.

Police released a photo of Bartels in a black bandanna and black hooded sweatshirt.

A criminal complaint says police received a tip late Saturday night from an anonymous caller who said Bartels was a co-worker at Amazon, the Pittsburgh Tribune reported Monday.

This morning the “brave” kid finally appeared but he was with his mommy and daddy.

He was escorted by his parents as he turned himself in Monday.

Video below:

Bartels faces charges of institutional vandalism, rioting, and reckless endangerment of another person, he said.

Below we have a video of him as he is destroying a police cruiser.

Other parents who encourage their kids to riot should think twice, as justice is comming for everyone!