Home Culture Watch the Disgusting Moment When Black Trump Supporter was Attacked by Racist...

Watch the Disgusting Moment When Black Trump Supporter was Attacked by Racist Alt-Left Protesters

The liberal left is the greatest promoter of hate – it relies upon extreme emotion to advance its agenda. Objective thought is not their way.

A black supporter of President Trump was punched in the face after leaving the president’s rally in Phoenix, Wednesday night.

Watch the video below!

A few thousand protesters showed up outside the event, and things were mostly peaceful until the end of the rally when Trump supporters filtered out of the Phoenix Convention Center and police had to use tear gas to manage the crowds, according to Mediaite.

One violent clash between Trump supporters and protesters was caught on video by New York Times correspondent Simon Romero, showing a pickup truck packed with MAGA-hat-wearers arguing with protesters surrounding the truck.

In the video, one of the MAGA-hatters, a black man, restrains his friend following a shouting match with protesters, and the friend eventually gets into the driver’s seat of the truck while the black man hops in the bed with two others.

The driver appears to turn his wheels and attempt to drive into protesters on the sidewalk, causing a commotion. He then continues on the road slowly, until one sign-bearing protester charges up to the bed of the truck and punches the black man repeatedly in the face.

The truck stops briefly and reverses, before eventually driving away.

Won’t see this on CNN or MSNBC, huh?

A white man punched a black Trump supporter now that sounds like violent racism, but the media is controlled by its globalists conglomerates who have their own agenda and the evil just keeps coming. The integrity of reporters who are willing to stand up against their bosses is lacking.

Violence never stops, too bad the leaders, especially, from the left keep on inciting people to commit violence, and people, like Soros, funding the hate and violence.

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