Joe Biden is visiting Florida for the first time as the Democratic presidential nominee, amid questions about his ability to garner support from Latino voters, a crucial voting bloc in the Sunshine State. Biden will mark Hispanic Heritage Month in an event in Kissimmee on Tuesday evening.
“I will talk about how I am going to work like the devil to make sure I turn every Latino and Hispanic vote,” Biden told reporters on Monday about his plans for his trip to Florida.
The former vice president also said that his overall support among Latino voters is “much higher” than support for Mr. Trump, but he acknowledged “they’ve got to go higher.”
As it seems Biden told another lie and the fake news was there to cover for him!
CBS took photos from Latinos for Trump in Phoenix and tagged it as a Biden event.
Photos below:
CBS photo
The original photo from Latinos fro Trump event in Phoenix:
Video with that proves once again that our mainstream media produced yet another fake news to help Joe Biden:
The mainstream media failed to report another huge blow for Joe Biden in Florida where President Trump was greeted by hundreds of supporters while Joe Biden waved at an empty field.
Video below:
Biden’s support appears to be slipping among Latino voters, who make up roughly 26% of the state’s population. Even the mainstream media pools like the NBC News/Marist College poll who was released earlier this month showed Biden lagging behind Mr. Trump among likely Latino voters, receiving 46% support from likely Latino voters compared to 50% support for Mr. Trump. Exit polls from 2016 showed that the majority of Latinos in the state-backed Hillary Clinton, although Cubans were about twice as likely to support Mr. Trump as non-Cuban Latinos.