Is there anything more derp-worthy than someone correcting grammar or spelling to “one-up” someone on social media?
Nobody cares if someone makes grammar or spelling mistakes on social media or in chats.
A person must have a miserable life if attacking someone for grammar on twitter makes them feel good.
Not to mention, when a person makes grammar or spelling mistakes themselves, in their attack, they should probably not skip their meds.
Case in point: Rosie O’Donnell, who tried to point out Trump’s typo while making one herself.
She probably didn’t skip her meds, they just don’t help her much.
too bad u cant spell – u stupid shit heal – the world mocks u n ur pathetic attempts too act presidential – too bad u will be arrested soon
— ROSIE (@Rosie) August 24, 2017
She can’t spell “you,” “can’t,” “your,” “in,” “to” or “shitheel” right, but she is concerned about Trump’s spelling?
"heel" not "heal"
— Rob Taub (@robmtaub) August 24, 2017
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