Home Culture The School Board Finally Caves To The 2nd Grader From Florida Who...

The School Board Finally Caves To The 2nd Grader From Florida Who Was Suspended 36 times For Not Wearing A Mask (Video)

Fiona Lashells, who just turned 8 years old, a student in Palm Beach County, could have to repeat the year at school after she received nearly 40 times suspensions for refusing to wear a mask.

She told her school board that they should go to jail for forcing her and other kids to wear masks against their will.

“Just because I get suspended for not wearing a mask isn’t going to change my mind. You can keep suspending me, I still have the right not to wear a mask,” Fiona declared.

“It is not fair that I am getting punished because you guys, the school board are not following the law,” the young girl continued.

“I’m still going to stand up for what I believe in,” she said. “I hope you all go to jail for doing this to me,” Fiona urged, adding that her family is proud of her and finishing with “your rules suck.”

Video below:

According to her mother Bailey Lashells, Fiona is “on a mission to take back not only her rights but every American child’s constitutional rights from the tyrant school board.”

“Fiona is a strong-minded and fearless young girl who was ready to conquer the world at 8,” said Lashells. “Unfortunately, the blows just seem to not stop as she was recently told after completing every assignment her teacher will provide that she is not only failing 2nd grade but that there is no way she could catch up, per her teacher.”

And it seems that Fiona won and the school board finally caves. The School District of Palm Beach County has dropped its mask mandate after suspending Fiona 38 times!

Because of Fiona, the school board faced national pressure.
After national media pressure and pressure from the DeSantis administration, the School District of Palm Beach County released a letter to the public explaining its decision to drop its mandatory mask requirement. The board described the change as a “face-covering opt-out” for parents.

The letter referenced a ruling by Division of Administrative Hearings Judge Newman which came down on Friday as the legal reason behind their change of heart. Judge Newman upheld the DeSantis administration’s block on masking children against their parents’ will.

You can view the full letter below:

“The COVID-19 protocols adopted pursuant to section 1003.22(3) should be no more restrictive than necessary to keep children safe and learning in school,” Newman wrote. “The fact that the Emergency Rule achieves this result — and at the same time involves parents in decisions involving their child’s health and education — does not run counter to the broad rulemaking directive.”

The school board also referenced its COVID vaccine position in the letter and made it clear that “the COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary, and not required for students or staff.”
This little girl should be everybody’s hero!

Fiona is a warrior of freedom!!