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Video Appears To Show Trump Supporter Yelling: “Joe You Don’t Have A Chance” And Biden Answers With “I Know”

If former Vice President Joe Biden backs out of participating in the upcoming presidential debates, then he’s unfit to occupy the Oval Office. It’s that simple.

The American people expect — and deserve — to hear from presidential candidates and learn where they stand on a multitude of important policy issues affecting our lives. We need to listen to their vision for America vis-a-vis their opponent so voters can choose their candidate wisely come Election Day.

This is precisely why the Commission on Presidential Debates was established in 1987 to ensure that debates between candidates running for president and vice president of the United States are a permanent part of the electoral process.

Months before he would emerge as the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Joe Biden was one among a dense field of candidates, all vying for face time with voters at campaign stops in crucial primary states.

But as he made inroads in meetings and events with supporters, his campaign was marred by a series of awkward, condescending, and physical meetings with would-be voters in crowds and in forums in front of dozens of people and cameras.

He grabbed lapels and hands, grew combative with difficult questions, told people they’re wrong, or told them to vote for someone else, including his rival Donald Trump.

Yesterday he had another incident and it seems that he showed once again he is unfit to run for President.

Alleged Trump supporters yelled at Biden “Joe you don’t have a chance” and Biden appears to answer with “I know.”

When the person again shouted, “you don’t stand a chance Joe” Biden says, “probably not”.
Video below:

He does this every time anyone asks him a real question. He gets angry and lashes out never even trying to answer their questions.

This is the reason they won’t allow him to interact with the public anymore unless they’ve been prescreened. His true side comes out.