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New Video: Biden Emerges From the White House to Reassure Everyone He’s Fit for Duty – But Did He Grow a Few Inches in Delaware?

Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office Wednesday evening.

And nobody cared. Only 6,600 people tuned in to watch the most popular president in US history give a ‘farewell speech.’

81-year-old Biden looked frail and thin as he read his hostage message to the American people.

It appears Joe Biden has slight facial paralysis. We still don’t know what Joe Biden did for the near week he disappeared from the public after he announced he had Covid.

Defiant America also wrote about this strange situation during Biden’s address:

Has anyone check his watch of the “live address?”


It’s says 6:08 EST when it was pre-recorded.

Why did they do this and where is Joe Biden?
The White House shouldn’t deceive the American people like this!

Biden’s address did nothing to quell the questions surrounding Biden’s health and those who have and continue to enable him, chief among them Kamala Harris. She needs to be made to own this because she does own it.

Indeed it seems that Biden is not feeling good and many people online allege that his team used a body double in their latest video.

A video from Biden seems to show that he grew a few inches while he was missing for five days…

Video below:


If these allegations are real then the question has to be asked.

Why don’t they get a double that can put a cogent sentence together?

Editorial Disclaimer: The content of this article reflects the author’s viewpoints. Our mission is to educate and inform our readers, striving to prevent the spread of misinformation and discouraging any form of hatred or anger.

Video: Mysterious Man in Grey Suit Climbs Ladder, Directs Police While They Take Photos of Crook’s Body — Not Secret Service as Initially Believed

This morning, Senator Ron Johnson went on Maria Bartiromo’s show and said he has learned that right after Thomas Matthew Crooks was shot and killed, a guy in a grey suit climbed up the ladder and onto the roof where the shooter’s dead body was and started asking the local law enforcement to send pictures of Crooks’s dead body to him.


Maria Bartiromo later confirmed a mystery man in a gray suit climbed on top of the structure where Crooks had shot from to apparently confirm Crooks’ de*th, told police to send the photos to the ATF.

“A guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof, and this guy in the gray suit didn’t appear to have credentials.”

“Everybody assumed he was the Secret Service. So he tells one of the local law enforcement send those pictures to this cell phone and he gives him a number to, and everybody assumes, oh, that must be Secret Service. It turns out it wasn’t Secret Service.”

Bartiromo later confirmed that the man said to send the photos to the ATF.
Shorter version video:

Possible photo of the man on the grey suit:

Possible video:

The man didn’t identify himself, but the law enforcement officers complied and sent the photos.

When the man was contacted, he said he was an ATF agent, but now he’s gone dark.

Why was ATF on the site of the shooting as soon as it happened?

Johnson also said he questions the FBI’s claim that there was only one shooter, hinting that there may have been more than one shooter!

Who here thinks the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job at this point?

But consider this, it depends what you mean by “inside job.”

I think it’s pretty obvious the DHS/USSS purposely kept resources from Trump.

If you are asserting it was a bigger conspiracy and Crooks had “help,” we don’t have enough info to assert that but it should definitely be considered as a possibility.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

New Video: ER Patient in Butler, Pennsylvania Captures the Moment President Trump Arrives at the Hospital – Look at the SS Agent and Her Reaction

This is the moment a US Secret Service agent struggles to holster her weapon after Donald Trump was shot in an assassination attempt.

Trump, 78, was left bloodied and wounded last night when a bullet pierced the ‘upper part’ of his right ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.

There appeared to be chaotic scenes as Trump was bundled into a nearby vehicle as confused-looking Secret Service agents nervously looked around.

One seemed to struggle to holster her weapon into her waistband, while another frantically moved around before touching her ear and facing the crowd as she stood in front of the vehicle.


And today we have a breaking video where an ER Patient at the hospital in Butler, Pennsylvania captured the moment President Trump arrived to hospital. You can hear how shook up the people in the ER waiting room were over hearing Donald Trump had been shot, and how happy they were to see that he was walking.


And DEI hired people are in action again!

Here’s the same secret service agent that couldn’t figure out how to put her pistol back in the holster???

She still trying to figure it out:

Republicans have since claimed they made ‘repeated requests for stronger protection’ for Trump as questions begin to grow over the former President’s security.

Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi says those claims are ‘absolutely false’.

Video: The Stage Decor for 50 Cent’s Performance in Boston Yesterday After Trump’s Assassination Attempt Was EPIC

Former President Donald Trump was shot at in an apparent assassination attempt on Saturday (July 13), an incident that had 50 Cent looking back at Get Rich or Die Tryin’, the rapper’s debut album. 2003 album track “Many Men (Wish Death)” references 50 surviving someone opening fire on him; he’s previously talked about an incident in which he was shot nine times.

But probably the reason why his name was trending because he decided to pay a little tribute to Trump during his last concert!

50-Cent plays ‘Many Men’ in honor of Donald Trump and edits his ‘Get Rich or Die Tryin’ cover with Trump’s face.

The concert was reportedly in Boston.

Watch the video below:

“Trump gets shot and now I’m trending,” 50 posted on his social media accounts Saturday night. His remark, topped off with a shrugging emoji, was the caption to a Get Rich or Die Tryin’ cover edit featuring Trump’s face on his body.

Here are notable celebrities who have commented on the ass*ssination attempt against Trump:

Conor McGregor: “He is in Pennsylvania spitting out bullets! Running for the love of his country!”

Ashley Judd: “All political violence of all kinds in all settings against all people is wrong. I would never want Mr Trump hurt. He is a human with a family.”

John Rich: “They couldn’t beat him in a fair contest, so they tried to k*ll him. BUT THEY MISSED.”

Scotty McCreery: “Praying for our country rn.”

Josh Turner: “Thank God President Trump is okay. Thoughts and prayers go up for him and for the family of the attendee whose life was taken at today’s rally.”

Lil Pump: “We spinnin for Trump. Glad ur ok… this is my F*CKING PRESIDENT.”

Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony: Biden Regime Allegedly Pays BILLIONS to Aid Child Trafficking via Government Contractors (Video)

During a round table held by Republican Senators on Tuesday, federal whistleblowers made shocking allegations that the Biden administration is facilitating the trafficking of migrant children through contractors who receive billions of taxpayer dollars.

Deborah White and her colleague Tara Rodes, both federal employees in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Unaccompanied Child Program, testified that the Office of Refugee Resettlement sent thousands of unaccompanied migrant children into potentially dangerous environments without properly vetting the sponsors they were placed with.

From White’s shocking testimony:

“What I discovered was horrifying… Make no mistake – children were not going to their parents; they were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to vet sponsors and process children safely with government officials complicit in it.”

White provided a particularly alarming example from Florida, involving more than a dozen children linked to a single sponsor at multiple addresses.

“Children were sent to addresses that were abandoned houses or non-existent in some cases,” she added. Another case involved a child being dropped off in an “open field” in Michigan by the HHS contractor, even though a 911 call reported someone screaming for help in the same area around the same time.

Rodes followed up White’s bombshell testimony with further concerns about the safety of the children placed in the hands of these unvetted sponsors. She emphasized the dangers of placing vulnerable migrant children with sponsors who could have criminal histories or gang affiliations and are often not even their parents.

“To place vulnerable migrant children into the hands of sponsors with criminal history, gang affiliation, to whom many aren’t even their parents,” she said.

Both whistleblowers claimed they never saw the sponsors face to face, and fraudulent documents were constantly being filed within the program. White added that when she raised these issues with her HHS superiors, she was belittled and dismissed.

White recounted HHS’s response:

“You’re not a fake ID expert, and your job is not to investigate the sponsors – your job is to reunify the child with the sponsor.”

White told CBS Austin that she holds the Biden administration and HHS accountable for the current state of affairs.

Watch the full whistleblower testimony below:

According to White, there is no question: these children are being trafficked, and the Biden administration is “complicit.”

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

NEW: Watch Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Reaction After President Biden Goes in for a Smooch at the NATO Summit

In a moment that quickly became the talk of the NATO Summit, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni appeared visibly uncomfortable when President Joe Biden leaned in for a kiss earlier today. The encounter, caught on camera, showed Meloni arching her back away from Biden as he continued to lean in, creating an awkward scene.

Meloni’s discomfort was apparent, and it wasn’t the only notable moment involving her and Biden during the summit.


Earlier in the day, the Italian PM made headlines for rolling her eyes and checking her watch after Biden arrived late to the event.

The combined incidents have sparked a flurry of reactions online, with many commenting on the apparent lack of rapport between the two leaders.

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni and President Joe Biden


Social media quickly lit up with reactions to the uncomfortable interaction. Users pointed out Meloni’s clear body language, interpreting it as a sign of her disapproval or discomfort.

One user tweeted, “Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s reaction to Biden’s kiss says it all. Awkward doesn’t even begin to cover it.”

Another added, “Rolling her eyes and checking her watch? Seems like Meloni had enough of Biden’s antics today.”
Meloni’s Day at the Summit

Meloni’s day at the summit was eventful, to say the least. Her eye-roll and watch-check after Biden’s late arrival didn’t go unnoticed. It added to the speculation that the Italian PM might be frustrated with Biden’s conduct at the summit.
The Importance of Body Language

Body language experts suggest that such visible discomfort can indicate deeper issues in diplomatic relations. Meloni’s reaction may reflect broader sentiments or tensions between Italy and the United States under the current administration.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

It Looks Like Mad Maxine Put Her Wig on Backwards During Her CNN Interview – The Video Looks Like an SNL Skit

In what is quickly being dubbed the funniest political video of the year, Representative Maxine Waters found herself in an embarrassing situation that has taken the internet by storm. The viral clip shows the veteran congresswoman struggling with a backward wig, sparking both laughter and a serious conversation about the need for term limits in Congress.

The incident, captured during a public appearance, features Waters with her wig noticeably askew, appearing to be on backward. Adding to the hilarity, viewers noticed what seemed to be something crawling around in the misaligned hairpiece. The video, which can be watched below, has been widely shared and commented on social media, with users drawing comparisons to their own Halloween costume mishaps.

Video below:

“She looks like me when I’m trying to fix my bad wig at Halloween,” one commenter quipped. “It’s Halloween every day at Maxine’s house.”

The mishap has also reignited debates over the need for term limits in Congress. Many argue that long-serving members, like Waters, are out of touch and that new blood is needed to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the legislative process. Critics suggest that incidents like these underscore the importance of having age and term limits to ensure effective and relevant representation.

“She’s such a wreck… and she unfortunately will never retire,” another viewer lamented. “She’ll wait until she’s Feinsteined.”

The video’s widespread circulation and the subsequent public reaction demonstrate the power of social media in shaping political discourse and influencing public opinion. While some see the humor in the situation, others view it as a stark reminder of the potential drawbacks of lifetime political careers.
Opinion Disclaimer:

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this website. The purpose of this content is to educate and inform, not to mislead or incite negativity.

SERIOUS: Did Joe Biden Just Have a Seizure on LIVE TV!? LISTEN for Yourself – This Is Directly from the Broadcast

NEW: President Joe Biden, who sounds like he’s giving an interview on a toilet, starts to suggest he was with Trump when he said “suckers and losers.”

Big, if true!

“First of all, he [said it] was made up quote, suckers and losers.”

“I was with hi… He called the Americans in the cemeteries from World War I. Suckers and losers.”


Watch the video below:

He couldn’t have been there because it never happened. Know what happened?

Biden calling service members “stupid b*stards” to their faces:

But what was even more strange is that in one part of the broadcast, Biden sounded like he had a seizure or something. This is a real video from just now. Listen.


What is that?


First & foremost, I’m NOT a doctor. However, having watched the decline of family members with an array of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, ALS, etc.—I’m not sure what his exact diagnosis is, but his frontal lobes ain’t lobin’.

Opinion Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this website. The purpose of this content is to educate and inform, not to mislead or incite negativity.

Close-Up Video: Biden Completes His Toddler Transformation – Handlers Put Him on Live TV with a Huge Stain of Unknown Origin on His Suit

Unless Joe Biden de-ages 20 years and shakes the mental issues that have latched onto him like barnacles, we’re bound to read more stories about his rapid decrepitude. We’ve known for years that Joe Biden is cooked. The liberal media finally can’t defend him anymore, lest they look like reporters from North Korea. Olivia Nuzzi at New York Magazine penned a damning and brutal piece about Joe Biden’s state of decline, which includes the president forgetting the names of longtime friends. Others who get access to these swanky events told Nuzzi that they might be unable to vote for Biden in 2024 because they don’t know if he’s in charge.

President Joe Biden’s team faced another embarrassing episode when the President appeared on live television during Independence Day celebrations with a noticeable stain on his suit. The stain, which many speculated to be either poop or food, quickly became the focal point of the broadcast, overshadowing the patriotic festivities.

Watch the close-up video below:

Despite the ongoing blunders, the Biden campaign is adamant that the President will remain in the race for re-election. This stance was reinforced through a slew of campaign emails from both the Democratic Party and the Biden Campaign, emphasizing Biden’s commitment to his presidential bid.

These are official campaign emails!

Editorial Disclaimer: The content of this article reflects the author’s viewpoints. Our mission is to educate and inform our readers, striving to prevent the spread of misinformation and discouraging any form of hatred or anger.

Video: Biden Was Asked if He Ever Took a Cognitive Test. Voters Were Concerned. His Response to the Black Reporter Is Out of This World

This isn’t a satire and this is from a CNN article back in 2020:

The presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden clarified that he has not taken a cognitive test, arguing against his need for one as President Donald Trump continues to attack his mental capabilities.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden said during an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists that’s set to air in full on Thursday.

“Come on, man. That’s like saying you, before you got on this program, you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?” Biden said, becoming testy with the reporter, CBS’s Errol Barnett, who asked whether he had taken a cognitive test.

Watch the video below:

“Why the hell would I take a test?”
Because the majority of the people do not think you have the mental capacity to be the leader of the free world. You would take it so as to calm the fears of a nation.

This video is from 2020 and someone has to explain what happened, why no one called out Biden’s mental decline?

The first presidential debate of 2024 left many Americans and even some traditional Democratic allies wondering about President Biden’s mental fitness for office based on what appeared to be his unclear train of thought at times and his raspy voice on Thursday night.

The White House responded to these concerns, claiming that the president, who is 81, was fighting a cold, but some doctors said they perceive the health issues go beyond the sniffles — with one noting that “it is an issue of fitness, not of age.”

Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon who specializes in cognitive function, told Fox News Digital on Friday about his concerns.

“President Biden’s performance in [Thursday] night’s debate reignited longstanding discussions about his cognitive abilities and his overall leadership capacity,” Osborn told Fox News Digital.

“Throughout the evening, Biden struggled to maintain a coherent narrative, often losing his train of thought mid-sentence, and providing vague, rambling and undecipherable answers to highly critical questions,” said Osborn, expressing his professional opinion.

“His frequent pauses, stumbling over words and reliance on notes underscored concerns about his mental acuity,” Osborn added.

These seeming signs of cognitive decline highlight a “growing inability” to manage the complexities required by the job of the presidency, according to the neurosurgeon.

“His difficulty in articulating clear, concise responses and his apparent disorientation during the debate were seen by many – including his own constituents – as very troubling indicators of his overall health and an obvious decline in his cognitive function,” Osborn said.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s personal opinions. Its purpose is to educate and inform, not to spread misinformation or incite hatred.