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WATCH: Pussy Hat Wearing Feminazi Assaults Reporter For Live Streaming Truth About Women’s March

Another annual, anti-President Donald Trump Women’s March took center stage on Saturday but another movement was taking shape on the sidelines — the March for ALL Women, a project of the Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice. Total BS. These people are insane anti-men anti-Semites.

So called “intersectional feminists” promoted Sharia Law and radical Islam this week at the Womens March in Washington D.C. Infowars reporter Kaitlin Bennett said “I went to the #WomensMarch to see if a conservative woman would be welcomed, but got assaulted by feminists instead, as the organizers stood by and did nothing! #ToxicFeminism.”

Check out the video tweet below and see for yourself just how “tolerant” these “women’s rights” activists really are. More like #PussyPigs!

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